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VINCI Construction

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UMSETZUNG/ARBEITEN/PROJEKTDURCHFÜHRUNG 2024-105260 2769 Birdwood, England Unbefristet

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Project Management Degree Appreticeship


Contract type


Description of the assignment

Purpose of the job

NUVIA are looking for an ambitious individual to undertake NUVIA a Degree Apprenticeship. Our Apprenticeship programme will see the successful individual placed within our Procurement Engineering & Decommissioning business unit, and they’ll be working with individuals across our Project Management team.

Our Degree Apprenticeship programme is aimed at those who have a passion for learning, ambition to succeed and can rise to different challenges. If you are interested in working with some of the industry’s leading individuals, enjoy problem solving and looking for a challenge, then this might be the role for you.


What is required

To apply for this position, you would need the following:

-      GCSE (A*-C’s or 5-9) in Maths, English and Science

-      3 A level’s (A*-C) including Maths and, preferably, Science related subjects (or equivalent).

In addition to academic requirements, once the apprenticeship starts the successful individual will become a STEM ambassador, a member of the Young Generation Network (YGN) and join other members of the NUVIA Early Careers Group (ECG); in addition to completing recognised training and professional development.

The role will offer several opportunities across our sites, within the UK and potentially internationally. The ideal candidate would be open to travel as part of this role to gain experience across a number of sites and projects.

Warum sollten Sie sich bewerben?

Why us?


NUVIA is a subsidiary of VINCI Construction. We are an international company that operates across highly regulated sectors and involved with nuclear sites and projects across the UK and internationally.

NUVIA are a performance-driven company. We are committed to the development of our people within a culture of safety, innovation, and excellence. NUVIA UK is committed towards equality in employment.


NUVIA est une branche de VINCI, plus grand groupe intégré de concessions et BTP du monde. NUVIA est plus particulièrement l'entité nucléaire du Groupe VINCI et est impliqué dans le cycle de vie tout entier des installations nucléaires, du New Build au démantèlement, en passant par la maintenance et l'exploitation. NUVIA est en croissance constante, avec plus de 2700 salariés dans le monde. En moyenne, 100 hommes et femmes nous rejoignent chaque année. Maintenant, plus que jamais, nous recherchons de nouveaux talents pour soutenir la croissance du groupe.

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  • UMSETZUNG/ARBEITEN/PROJEKTDURCHFÜHRUNG, Birdwood, England, Vereinigtes KönigreichLöschen