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IT/INFORMATIONSSYSTEME 20441 Capelle aan den IJssel, Südholland Mehr als 10 Jahre

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Technisch Consultant Security


As Technical Consultant you are Axians’s calling card and the point of contact for all our IT security related matters for our clients as well as internally. Your tasks are diverse and varied.
  • You are a sounding board for our clients and know how to communicate they way the different parts of a complex security architecture are connected.
  • You design and implement security solutions that include next-gen firewalls, IPS, DLP, antivirus, antispam & WAF products within complex networks. MPLS, OSPF and BGP are a breeze for you.
  • You independently carry out security/network/product assessments, and report and present the results to the client or internally to colleagues.
  • On the basis of your knowledge & skills you fulfil a supporting role in the analysis of security incidents.
  • You maintain your own network of clients, suppliers and partner companies.
  • You share your knowledge & skills by organising and giving knowledge sessions for colleagues.
  • You work with our sales department on quotations to offer the best solution for our clients.
  • You identify opportunities and threats in the market and translate these into products and/or services that have added value for us and our clients.
  • You are a source of information for your immediate colleagues and engage with management about the future of Axians and how this will be shaped.

The ideal candidate firstly has a flexible attitude, a healthy dose of ambition and a no-nonsense mentality, combined with a client-oriented and problem-solving attitude. In addition, you preferably have:
  • Higher professional education working and intellectual ability (HBO);
  • Minimum 8 years experience in IT, of which 3 years in a comparable position;
  • Experience with the implementation of NextGen Firewalls, preferably FortiGate;
  • Experience with the implementation of complex networks (Routers, Switches, STP, MPLS, OSPF, BGP);
  • Experience with designing and implementing security products such as SIEM, Antivirus, Antispam, IPS, WAF and NAC;
  • Valid Fortinet NSE7/Cisco CCNP Security (or equivalent) certification;
  • Valid Fortinet NSE8/Cisco CCIE certification;
  • You have good communication skills in English and have a driving license.

Please respond via the apply button and upload your CV and covering letter. We would be happy to talk to you to see if we would make a good match. If you have any questions regarding this vacancy, please contact Max Trapman on 06-27 33 80 28 or via

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  • IT/INFORMATIONSSYSTEME, Capelle aan den IJssel, Südholland, NiederlandeLöschen