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VINCI Energies

In Kürze

INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN Actemium Rail - JIB Electrician-106019 2763 Coventry, England Unbefristet

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Actemium Rail - JIB Electrician


Actemium Rail are looking to recruit Full-Time, Permanent Installation Electricians, Approved Electricians to Support our ongoing rail sector growth plan. We are currently seeing an increase in project awards with in the Rail sector to support new builds, alongside infrastructure enhancements, resulting in a need to strengthen our in-house rail team.

The requirements of this grade must be fully met in accordance with the JIB Handbook.

Knowledge and experience of Low/medium voltage networks including switching methods. Relevant experience in previous rail Installations would be desirable  to Support our New and ongoing future projects.

Based from our Coventry location, you will be required to work at several client’s locations throughout the UK. The ideal candidate must be flexible with Working Hours as there is a requirement for normal hours, nights and weekends, along with travel and Out of Town working as and when required.

Typical Duties Include:

·         General LV Power Installation.

·         General & Smart Lighting Installation.

·         Containment Installation.

·         Testing & Inspection.

·         Electrical Maintenance.

·         Data Network Cabling.

·         PLC & Controls.

·         First and Second Fix Including Wiring/Trunking/Power Sockets Etc.

·         Cable Pulling and any other associated duties.

The Ideal Candidate will have the following:

  • Have a good education and good understanding of Health and Safety compliance
  • Also possess: CSCS Card or ECS Card/IPAF/18th Edition)
  • Ideally be JIB approved

What we offer in return:

You will be paid in line with the Published JIB Rates, with access to a range of benefits including: healthcare, pension plan and the option to join a great company share scheme.

You will join an experienced and supportive on-site team, as well as being part of the wider group which will involve breakfast meetings and team socialising events.

If you are someone who wants to be part of a team that works together to build solutions, overcome challenges, and share successes, we would love to hear from you!


Part of the VINCI Energies Group, Actemium provide engineering design, project management, installation and commissioning of electrical, mechanical and IT services in the United Kingdom since 1907. In addition, we provide specialist maintenance operations, fully complemented with accredited safety tests and inspection services to optimise the operational efficiency and safety of our client's equipment and systems. Whilst part of a global network of 300 Business Units, Actemium UK comprises of 7 Business Units covering all of the UK & RoI.

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  • INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN, Coventry, England, Vereinigtes KönigreichLöschen