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VINCI Construction

In Kürze

OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE 2025-106775 2742 Genua, Ligurien Permanent contract Mehr als 3 Jahre

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Opérateur de grue à treillis sur chenille F/H F/H


The crane operator is an indispensable element of this breakwater project of the port of Genoa.

It operates crawler cranes of 150 to 500t brand LIEBHERR (LR1280-1300-1350 & 1500) as well as SENEBOGEN (5500&7700).

You will be led to carry out stone columns works according to the top feed technique, a ballast mastress having previously been installed on the seabed at a depth of 20 to 50m. With your crane, you will handle a 20 to 25m tool equipped with an electric vibrator that will sink into the ground using an air and water throwing.

The 6 cranes will be installed on 2 barges including a 130m long barge with 4 of the 6 cranes. A third barge will be potentially mobilize in October 2024.

The crane operator participates in the installation of the tools on the cranes and therefore also in the assembly and dismantling.

Driving the crane is one of the main elements but not only, it participates in the general and common maintenance of the crane and its accessories, in the monitoring and supply of the crane with fuel.

It monitors the correct execution of ballasted column work by means of the on-board parameter recorder in the cabin and the GPS positioning system.

We are looking for a dynamic person who is invested in his work.

You like teamwork because you will work on a key project for Italy and you will work with an international team.

The position is immediately available after approval of your file administratively.

We are primarily looking for operators of Italian nationality cause  of location. Imperative English or French.

Why us?

A key player in soil investigation, improvement and remediation, Menard develops foundation solutions based on soil improvement and reinforcement technologies.

The treatments used make it possible to save the deep foundations traditionally used to carry surface structures.

From its headquarters in the south-west of Paris, MENARD operates in various countries including Italy.


Key soil investigation, improvement and remediation provider Menard develops foundation solutions based on ground improvement and reinforcement technologies that eliminate the need for the deep foundations traditionally used to support surface structures. The Group operates throughout the infrastructure life cycle, offering expertise in soil investigation and remediation through its ConeTec and Remea brands.

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