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Senior Project EPC contract Engineer

Job title: Senior Project EPC Contract Engineer
Sector: Oil & gas
Starting date: ASAP
Duration: 12 Months
Location: Paris La Défense - France
Status: Residential
Language: FluentEnglish & French

The activities deal with worldwide Contract Engineering and Administration but also Claims Management (including Contractor and Company claims and disputes) as detailed below:
1- Senior contract engineer for designated projects supported by the TGP entity: "Project Assistance":
  • Provide support for all contract and procurement activities required by the designated capital project(s),
  • Be able to advise and execute contractual documentation on more complex forms of CFT’s: CCFT, OBE/OBT, FEED+, etc.
  • Develop the CFT package: commercial structure, contract terms, etc.
  • Launch CFT and manage contractual qualification and exception review and negotiation,
  • Evaluate commercial aspects of the bids and recommend award,
  • Claim Preventive awareness (contract management methods, tendering stage and early execution stage),
  • Support project team to obtain relevant approvals and/or to go through any kind of gates.
2- Senior referent for some Projects contract engineering:
  • Participate in defining and coordinating the contract methods for the entity (Contract toolbox, Competence requirement for contract engineers, expertise requirement, evaluation quiz...),
  • Participate in coaching the contract engineers of the entity (Assistance, advice, training...),
  • Ensure Governance is followed for Contracts process on projects of his/her perimeter (CFT, RTA, approvals),
  • Ensure recurrent contacts with the contract engineers/managers of the Projects of his/her perimeter,
  • Represent TGP/PJE in different types of Project Reviews for the contractual subjects.
3- Coordination with TGP legal entity
  • Participate to the overall coordination with TGP/JUR/PJE: information sharing, coordination of actions for the on-going projects of his/her perimeter…
  • Contribute to ensure coherence between PJE, JUR/PJE and Project’s needs.
4- as required, trainer for some training sessions dedicated to contract within Projects.
5- as required, the incumbent may be requested to be the Single point of contacts for some designated projects (SPOC) (all branches E&P, RC, GRP).
6- Assist and/or participate in Claim Management or Counterclaim process:
  • Analysis and review of existing Contracts/Claims: provide expertise support to projects for existing Contracts/Claims and corresponding resolution (contracts execution phase / close out phase):
  • Advise and direct the projects for “on the spot requests” with regards to management of claims,
  • Investigate and assess merit of major claim/dispute,
  • Provide higher understanding and recommendations for building the Claim dossiers and corresponding settlement,
  • Assist the project in drafting correspondences and notices to Contractors.
7- Contribute continuously to Contracts REX/Lessons Learnt consolidation. For each of the dossier, is starting by screening the existing REX and when completing a dossier preparing main lessons learnt to be shared with other contract engineers and to be archived.

Typical EPC Package Project spent: 50M$ up to 3B$ CAPEX, with high complexity, for the different client branches (E&P, RC, GRP)
-Extensive transversal management of internal to C&P Client (TGP) entities (Categories, Legal...) and external entities (Line products, Projects, Technical Entities)
-Role of representation of TGP project entity towards the projects and affiliates, in particular during some committees (Local contract committees for instance, shareholders, suppliers’ meetings…)
-Single Point of Contact and contract referent for designated projects, as required

  • EPC contract professional (15 years dedicated to Projects) / Expert.
  • Sharing of information/lessons learnt and communication skills / Expert.
  • Contract preparation, CFT, negotiation, administration / Expert.
  • Knowledge of project phases including some experience as package contract engineers / Expert.
  • Ability to manage heavy workload in a fast-paced environment / Expert.
  • Claim Management / Confirmed.
  • Communication, influencing and networking skills / Expert.
  • Ability to influence & manage in transversal / Expert.
  • Ability to work with complexity and challenging stakeholders / Expert.

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  • UMSETZUNG/ARBEITEN/PROJEKTDURCHFÜHRUNG, La Defense, Île-de-France, FrankreichLöschen