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VINCI Construction

In Kürze

UMSETZUNG/ARBEITEN/PROJEKTDURCHFÜHRUNG 2024-104464 612 North Vancouver, British Columbia Permanent contract Mehr als 3 Jahre

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Project Coordinator


BA Blacktop Ltd. is currently seeking a team-oriented, self-motivated, and dedicated individual to join our Operations department as a Project Coordinator.

The Project Coordinator is responsible for assisting the Project Manager in design and construction-related activities to aid in successful job completion while meeting safety and quality standards.


  • Preplan and schedule project activities on a daily to weekly basis as required
  • Implement the project Quality Management System by acting as lead quality coordinator
  • Create a safe site and working environment by promoting safe working methods
  • Record meeting minutes for the foremen’s meeting, construction coordination, and property restoration
  • Complete routine checklists during site walkthroughs
  • Ensure all Checklists for all aspects of project are being used and followed
  • Assist the construction manager in day-to-day activities
  • Assist superintendents with field operations and job scheduling
  • Be a site contact for the project
  • Upload safety stats and traffic summaries to Buzzsaw
  • Update/revise QMP
  • Deal with home and property owners
  • Draw updates and distribution
  • Track Materials using quantity tracking sheets
  • Complete QA checks in the field of work commencing at that time
  • Ensure Hold Points/Check Points are being signed off by Engineers
  • Conduct and go through Audits as required
  • Perform Orientations on new personnel for the project
  • Ensure Environmental measures are being met, by walking the project with the Designated Environmental team
  • Coordinate with other Quality Coordinators to ensure all aspects are being followed in the QMP
  • Take Weekly Photos to document the progress of the project
  • Constantly refer to the DBA and other necessary specifications for the project
  • Participate in project meetings to plan future activities and make sure the project's coordination requirements are met
  • Write NCRs/OFIs/RFIs as needed
  • Integrate with Kheops
  • Perform Monthly Safety Audits for the project
  • Ensure that safety procedures in accordance with the company’s OH&S manual, Worker’s Compensation Act, Employment Standard Act, and WorkSafeBC Regulations are being followed

Pay: $70,000.00-$80,000.00 per year

Essential Qualifications

  • Broad understanding of road construction and related activities
  • Broad understanding of the QMP and the testing requirements for roadway
  • Excellent organizational and time-management skills
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills (eg. memos, reports, discussions)
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Suite
  • OFA Level 1 or Higher
  • Fall Protection and Rescue
  • QA, QC training, proper tracking of Quantities

Desirable Qualifications

  • Knowledgeable of Specifications and requirements in roadway construction (DBSS, MMCD, etc.)
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Construction Management, Civil Engineering, or a Related Field
  • PMP designation
  • Gold Seal Certification


BA Blacktop, part of VINCI Construction Canada, was founded in the Province of British Columbia in 1956. We have grown to become a major general contractor and design-builder, with a progressive and multi-disciplined group of companies delivering specialized paving, concrete, milling, reclaiming and recycling services, as well as multi-span bridge construction and innovative concrete structure solutions to clients throughout British Columbia. 

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  • UMSETZUNG/ARBEITEN/PROJEKTDURCHFÜHRUNG, North Vancouver, British Columbia, KanadaLöschen