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VINCI Energies

In Kürze

MATERIAL/LOGISTIK 13306 Paris, Île-de-France Befristet

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Marshalling & Logistics Lead Services

Job title: Marshalling & Logistics Lead Services
Sector: Oil & Gas
Starting date: 03/03/2025
Duration: 12 Months
Renewable: Yes
Location: Paris, France
Status: Residential
Language: English mandatory and German recommended

The Service provider will enable the Germany Offshore Wind Projects (NordSee Energies 1, NordSee Energies 2 and OstSee Energies) team to achieve critical project milestones in accordance with project requirements.
The service provider will oversee all logistics and marshalling operations for the Projects. This includes managing logistics activities for substructures/foundations (FOU), Inter-Array Cables (IAC), Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) components, and any ancillary or specific equipment for Installation Contractors stored at the port.
Responsibilities encompass logistics activities from the fabrication and/or manufacturing plants in Europe and/or Asia, including load-in/out, handling, lifting activities, and other services in the marshalling yard areas (quayside, load-in/out, pre-assembly, and storage). Additionally, the service involves short-haul logistics from the marshalling yard to the installation sites.

The service provider will be responsible to participate in the development of the marshalling yard and logistics activities:
  • Define logistics scope interfaces and aggregate project requirements.
  • Participate in establishing and following up on the overall logistics strategy and preliminary studies.
  • Implement and follow up on the Logistics Execution Strategy, including surveys, audits, tenders, negotiations, contracts, and marine activities planning.
  • Define specifications and participate in the selection of marshalling ports/yards.
  • Engage in technical and commercial exchanges, visits, and meetings with port stakeholders.
  • Participate in the CFT process for port lease contracts.
  • Prepare and ensure readiness of marshalling ports as per project requirements.
  • Ensure readiness of logistics and associated services before mobilization.
  • Oversee proper demobilization of marshalling yards upon completion of activities.
  • Participate in contractors' qualifications and the tendering process for logistics contracts.
  • Manage technical specifications, RFQ/CFT documents, clarifications, negotiations, and contract issuance.
  • Participate in logistics and installation sequence simulations.
  • Issue and review logistics execution plans, vessel management plans, and transporters' plans.
  • Optimize yard layouts, stowage plans, and storage solutions.
  • Develop and manage logistics and marine coordination procedures and plans.
  • Optimize vessel movements and utilization of port services.
  • Coordinate marshalling activities, including receiving, storing, and dispatching components.
  • Review and approve lifting and handling procedures.
  • Oversee handling and lifting operations, ensuring safety and efficiency.
  • Implement and enforce HSE policies and procedures and promote a culture of safety and environmental responsibility.
  • Conduct safety audits and risk assessments, ensuring compliance with regulations.
  • Collaborate with various stakeholders, including contractors, port authorities, and local authorities.
  • Maintain accurate records of materials and components.
  • Control shipping documentation, administrative records, and customs-related documents.
  • Ensure proper reporting of logistics activities and HSE KPIs
  • Service provider shall demonstrate an exemplary behavior regarding HSSE rules & requirements, with regards to the Ethics and Company “Code of Conduct” policy and for implementing and controlling these rules and requirements within the said area of responsibility.
  • Lead and mentor logistics personnel, ensuring adherence to safety and operational protocols.
  • Foster a collaborative and inclusive work environment.

The Renewables division comprise a team of professionals passionate about deploying clean energy and bringing new opportunities to communities. After a successful German federal offshore wind auction in 2023 & 2024, The Renewables Deutschland GmbH with the support of OneTech is developing the North Sea N-12.1, North Sea N-11.2 and Baltic Sea O-2.2 offshore wind projects for a total capacity of 4,500 MW.
The Service should be based in Paris, France and could require travel to locations within Europe including Hamburg, Germany.

  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering or marine Logistics experience or corresponding professional experience (ideally 10+ years).
  • Advanced expertise in marshalling activities.
  • Previous experience in logistics process including market competitive analysis, international tenders for port associated services, standards, regulations and procedures.
  • Experience in goods and freight logistics (OFW or Oil & Energy business).
  • Experience with logistics software and Microsoft Office (Word, Excel & Power point specifically).
  • Personal and business organizational skills,
  • Strong team spirit with ability to work closely with various stakeholders, including international teams, vendors, subcontractors, authorities, etc.
  • Ability to work closely with various stakeholders including but not limited to diverse international teams, contractors & subcontractors, affiliates, HQ, etc.,
  • Organizational skills, effective communicator, enjoying and being effective at developing contractors' relationships at the appropriate level,
  • Experience in issuance of technical and execution plans and procedures related to Marshalling,
  • Ability to take ownership of projects and tasks, work independently and follow through on assignments with minimal direction.
  • Preferred service experience:
  • Certification or qualification in lifting operations.
  • Previous experience with HSE standards and practices
  • Familiarity with Offshore Wind Projects logistics and Marine activities

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