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VINCI Energies

In Kürze

ASSISTENZ 13249 Paris, Île-de-France Befristet

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UFR & SPS Contract Lead

Job title: UFR & SPS Contract Lead
Sector: Oil & gas
Starting date: ASAP
Duration: 12 Months
Renewable: Yes
Location: Paris or London then relocation at EPC contractor location
Status: Residential
Language: English

The service holder will be involved in the project's FFD FEED and will be responsible for the contract management of the UFR (Umbilical, Pipeline and riser) and SPS package. The service holder will take as well part in commercial and contractual discussions and decision making, advising the project management team on the key contractual strategies.

The service holder will provide the contractual expertise in relation to FEED entry, tendering of the EPC package during FEED preparation and execution. The Service Holder will be as well deeply involve in the FEED scope of work preparation until FEED sanction.

During FEED, the service holder will oversee the contractual follow up of the FEED Contract and as well actively participate in the EPC preparation for the SPS and offshore phase.

The service holder will perform this work in accordance with partner and company and Project rules, guidelines and procedures.

The service holders must possess strong experience in contractual discipline in the offshore oil and gas project and have strong expertise in Call for tender, tendering and contractual clarification for EPC phase.
The scope of activities includes adhering to the Company Code of Conduct, Vision, Values and Behaviours, as supported by the Safe System of Working including Accountability of Safety.
The Service holder shall:
▪ Provide the Offshore Package Manager with accurate expertise of all contracts related matters for the offshore and SPS package.
▪ Prepare Offshore URF and SPS FEED contract and then EPC Contracts during EPC tendering phase.
▪ Be in charge of writing letters and all official communication to Contractors.
▪Be in charge of contracts aspects during the FEED and EPC tendering phase.
▪ Operate within standardized Legal and Contracts policies, processes and systems and always ensure compliance with these processes.
▪ Promote and maintain effective communication channels with the relevant Legal managers and Heads of Contracts, interfacing on an as and when basis.
▪ Perform contract reviews for tendering in accordance with work instructions for contract reviews outlined in Legal Procedures and actively participates in all internal bid team meetings.
▪ Participate with other Stakeholder and Functions to jointly carry out a holistic review of the complete draft contract and bid to achieve consistency in the documents and be prepared to challenge and be challenged.
▪ Attend meetings with prospective client and significant/critical subcontractors and suppliers to arrive at acceptable Contract conditions.
▪ Assist Legal Counsel and the Commercial Function in requests for Joint Venture authorization, Bank Guarantees, Parent Company Guarantees and Tender Board minutes, etc.
▪ Tender, evaluation and RTA of subcontracts.
▪ Administration of bank bonds, parent company guarantees and insurance certificates.
▪ Lead the resolution of contractual change orders and co-ordinate Project VOR's and Management of change.
▪ Monitor and control contract variances identified within the project.
▪ Ensure seamless integration between purchasing and sub-contract activities.
▪ Provide guidance on contract / commercial requirements to the project team.
▪ Keep the project personnel aware of contractual obligations and objectives.

The project's field is located offshore Azerbaijan Republic in the Caspian Sea in 500 meters depth, at about 100km southeast of Baku, north-east of Shah Deniz field and south of Oil Rocks production and processing facilities. The project aims at supplying natural gas for both domestic market via Sangachal main facilities (condensate) and for international export market via the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP).

- Qualification: Lead discipline
- Languages: English
- Professional Experience: More than 10 years
- Experience within project: More than 10 years

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