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VINCI Concessions

In Kürze

OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE 2024-104812 722 Preah Sihanouk Trial period contract

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Stagiaire GMAO F/H


Sihanouk International Airport (KOS) review its maintenance processes, planning and backbone in deploying advanced management system (Computerized Maintenance Management System).  

The objective of CMMS further deployment is to ensure an appropriate and timely coordination of preventive / corrective and unexpected maintenances, according to the demands of the chain of service.
The intern will work with the Maintenance Manager of KOS airport and with the Maintenance team composed of around 15 team members.  

The main missions of the intern will be:

·       Collect and map the needs of internal customers such as Ground handling department, building management, Operations department, Safety / Security, Terminal, etc… 

·       Analyze and calibrate collected tasks and potential materials and spare parts associated 

·       Define the planning of recurrent observations

·       Format the organization and global planning in the CMMS.
Be source of proposal for identified improvements in process and organization.

·       Implementation completed before release of upgraded version of CMMS (deadline April 2025)
Final report on deployment outcome and replicability possibilities (May 2025)

HQ TEC MEP Manager based in Phnom Penh International Airport
Maintenance concerns both airside and landside, all buildings from the premises.

Includes all technical aspects of maintenance such as mechanical, electrical, plumbing, vehicles, civil works, HVAC, special equipment, …
·       Global view upon airport chain of service

·       Confidentiality of processes 

·       Interactions with other departments

·       Openness to new concepts linked with on-going changes

·       High standards of quality and Safety 

·       4th or last year of Technical Engineer Degree – Master’s degree program 

·       Rigorous and organized

·       Tasks and deadline orientated

·       Interest in project management is a must

·       Independent worker who appreciates teamwork

·       Ability to adapt to change

·       English working environment ability

·       Ability to take initiatives


As a global operator, VINCI Airports designs, builds and operates more than 70 airports all over the world. By taking into account specific local interests, VINCI Airports unlocks the potential for growth at each of the facilities under its management.

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