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VINCI Construction

In Kürze

INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN Coordinator (Site Engineer)-105261 553 Toronto, Ohio International assignment contract Anfänger

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Coordinator (Site Engineer) F/H


The coordinator oversees the quality control, the production, execution and/or construction of a technical or geographical portion of the Project.

Responsible for a portion of construction on the Project, such as a section, work area, structure or work zone.
Participation in weekly works meetings to plan construction activities and update Schedule.
Enhancing coordination between his/her work zone and the different other work zones adjacent.
Making sure his/her team or his/her subcontractor is working with latest approved documents.
Recording and alerting on progress of the works, as well as any deviations observed during construction work 
Proposing corrective actions and implementing them once validated by his/her manager.
Participates at compliance of the works with the safety recommendations and the measures stipulated in the Health Safety Environment Plan. Must stop the works any time there is a risk for personnel injury 
Acknowledgment of subcontractor planning and alerting on subcontractor deviations
Participating in, together with his/her manager, the details of the operating procedures, coordination meetings, 3-week lookahead schedules and other project construction meetings

Financial responsibilities: 

Daily Works Report (timecard)
Work order or Job request to Project Control department
Following-up of deviations and implementation of validated corrective action

Legal and contractual responsibilities: 

On-time delivery of construction components, together with proper and regular Monitoring

Responsibilities for HSE:

Ensure that the HSE plan is in application in every part of the scope.

- Master in engineering 

- Fluent in english

- Driver License 

Why us?

Joining Vinci Construction Grands Projets means becoming part of a globally renowned company specializing in ambitious and complex projects, such as bridges, tunnels, and dams. You’ll have the opportunity to contribute to iconic achievements, work in an innovative and multicultural environment, and develop your skills within a culture focused on excellence, collaboration, and environmental responsibility.


As part of a lineage of 100-year-old companies whose names are associated with impressive achievements worldwide, VINCI Construction Grands Projets possesses end-to-end expertise in the creation of complex infrastructure. Throughout the world, VINCI Construction Grands Projets designs and builds major civil engineering structures (tunnels, bridges, dams, liquefied natural gas storage tanks, road and rail infrastructure) and buildings (skyscrapers, shopping centres, hotels, major industrial facilities, nuclear power plants, etc.). As a complement to the company's high level of expertise, its consummate engineering skills, and expert project management abilities, VINCI Construction Grands Projets practises a policy of involvement at the local level wherever it operates, partnering with local firms and companies, enabling it to deploy wide-ranging yet modular solutions. These solutions, including technical assistance, turnkey projects, and maintenance programs, respond to the many different needs of a broad range of private- and public-sector clients.

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