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VINCI Energies

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INGENIERIE / ETUDES / METHODES 13165 Luanda, Luanda Contrat à durée déterminée

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Electrical Method Expert LV/HV

Job title:  Electrical Method Expert LV/HV

Sector: Oil & Gas
Starting date: End of September
Duration: 2 Years
Renewable: Yes
Rotation: Yes (4 Weeks In:4 weeks Out)
Location: Luanda – Angola (Offshore facilities)
Status: Residential
Language: English


  • Provide relevant REX to the Electrical trade (head office),
  • Manage Electrical preparation team in their long and mid-term tasks
  • Contribution in Budget elaboration and Planning
  • Reporting of Electrical activities.

Supervision and Training
  • Control maintenance activity through SAP
  • Preparation of a training program for the trainee’ engineers in the frame of the identified needs and in accordance with recognized methods and strategies,
  • Training on Job examples and directly in contact with the maintenance of the FPSO,
  • Evaluation of trainees’ performances in electricity

Electrical Tasks
  • To ensure the operation and maintenance strategy for electrical equipment,
  • Management of electricity and HVAC related documentation: doc. Supplier, etc,
  • Participation to the studies of electrical engineering and HVAC,
  • Participation to the reception of the studies/developments/equipment for Electricity and HVAC disciplines,
  • Assistance of site operation as required: detection of the anomalies, diagnosis of the failures, installation of the plans of repairing of the equipment, validation of the technical solutions suggested,
  • Follow up of the trading of salesmen and/or suppliers.
  • Preparation of SD (Shut Down partial or complete)

Contractor Supervision
  • Verification of the management of electricity spare parts by Contractors while complying with prescribed methods and strategies,
  • Follow up for the purchasing of replacement parts,
  • Audit of these Contractors when required,
  • Supervision of maintenance contractor’s preparation and scheduling activity.
  • Technical follow-up of the SMC (Specific Maintenance Contract)

  • Supervisor level or equivalent, with 10 years of practical experience in Operations
  • Experience in Offshore environment as a min. (FPSO one would be a must)
  • Good communication & pedagogic skills, organized & methodic, team spirit, open minded.

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