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VINCI Energies

En Bref

OPÉRATIONS/ENTRETIEN Schall_IN_01.2024.16 Mannheim, Bade-Wurtemberg Contrat à durée indéterminée Supérieur à 3 ans

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Quality Engineer

General Job Description:

Based at G+H Schallschutz GmbH in Mannheim, Germany but working most of the time at different locations abroad in workshops, the Quality Engineer role is an exciting opportunity for a knowledgeable and experienced individual with deep technical foundation of welded steel constructions made of painted carbon steel or stainless steel. You will be able to leverage your technical knowledge and management skills to develop the workshops to enable them to fabricate the steel components designed by G+H and meeting all quality requirements of G+H and our customer.

Roles and Responsibilities:
  • Explain the G+H drawings, specifications, and bill of materials to the fabricator and support them in interpreting the requirements
  • Advise the fabricator in production scheduling
  • Respond to technical questions from the fabricator about the drawings or the design
  • Review of the qualification of the fabricator including WPS, PQR, welders qualifications, shop qualifications and qualification of NDT personnel
  • Review of material certificates
  • In progress inspections including welding seam, dimensional and painting checks
  • Final inspection and acceptance at the contractor´s workshop of fabricated goods
  • Review of final quality documentation
  • Ensure strict compliance with all company EHS policies and procedures
  • Identify and propose improvements in process, tools, system solutions and technologies, rolling out improvements when agreed with the leadership team
Required Qualifications:
  • Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from a reputed college or degree apprenticeship in mechanical engineering
  • Minimum 3 years’ experience in working in metal fabrication shops
  • Knowledge and application of international codes and standards in steel fabrication
  • Analytical and innovative approach in problem solving
  • Proficiency in MS Office application
  • Strong written and oral communication skills in English
  • Basic skills in German
About us:

G+H Schallschutz GmbH is a leading company for design, fabrication and installation of noise control equipment, combustion air filtration and air inlet systems for heavy duty gas turbines. As part of the VINCI Group, G+H Schallschutz GmbH is well positioned in the international power generation market. We are a qualified supplier for air inlet filtration and exhaust gas systems for heavy duty gas turbines to international gas turbine OEM´s. The products are designed at our head offices in Mannheim, Germany and the fabrication is subcontracted to business partners all around the globe.

The line of products designed by G+H and fabricated by metal fabricators in Eastern Europe, Asia and the Northern America includes carbon steel structures and casings, pressure vessels, stainless steel components and piping.

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