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VINCI Energies

En Bref

INGENIERIE / ETUDES / METHODES 13232 Paris, Île-de-France Contrat à durée déterminée

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Lead/senior electrical engineer

Job title:  Lead/senior electrical engineer

Sector: Oil & Gas
Starting date: Novembre 2024
Duration: 1 year Renewal
Location: Paris (13th) DORIS Office (Home office 2days /week possible after a period of 3 months)
Language: Fluent English - Good written and verbal communication

Type of Projects:
Offshore O&G installations
Stage: FEED Engineering

Experience as a Senior/Lead in O&G Offshore projects: 10 years minimum
Language: Fluent English - Good written and verbal communication

will work under the supervision of the project manager.
will be the leader of the discipline for the project.
will prepare all documentation related with the project scope (refer to typical deliverable list)
will organize and supervise the work of other engineers.

Will be in charge of:
Project planning and progress follow-up
Organization of the meetings with client and internal
Interactions with client and the project management
Coordination with other disciplines

Typical deliverable list
•        Electrical design basis
•        Philosophies (Black start, Control, Earthing, etc...)
•        Specifications, Data Sheets and Requisitions for:
o   Generators
o   Transformers
o   HV & LV Switchgears
o   HV & LV Motors
o   Variable Speed Drives
o   Transformers
o   AC & DC UPSs
o   HV & LV Power and Control Cables (AC/DC)
o   Electrical Control System
•        Consumer list and Power balance
•        Equipment sizing calculation notes (Generators, Transformers, UPSs & Cables)
•        Electrical power system studies calculation notes (Load Flow, Short circuit & Motor
   starting) with ETAP Software
•        Single Line Diagrams (Overall, HV&LV Typicals, Protection diagrams,etc…)
•        Cable routing & Earthing layouts
•        Electrical technical buildings or Substations design
•        Cable list
•        Electrical Control System I/O list

Standards: Applicable regulations, codes of practice, international standards (IECs, NFC15-100, NFC13-200), ATEX & IECEx TOTAL GS
Software: ETAP Power System Analysis if possible

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